Kitchen Utensils
Spoon & Fork
Bowl & Plate(1)
Bowl & Plate(2)
Image of Buddha
Oblation Set
We have many styles to choose.
Brass Vase.
Various size to choose.
Brass Candle Holder.
For respect Buddha image.
Brass Pour Water Pot.
For pour water slowly onto the ground or a vessel,so that the dead might benefit from meritmaking.
Brass Cinerary Urn.
2 size to choose, small and medium.
Joss Stick Pot.
2 size and 2 color to choose, small and medium.
Electrical Joss Stick Pot.
For respect Buddha image or spirit house.
Thai folk dancer dolls.
2 size and many color to choose, small and medium.
Thai folk dancer dolls.
2 size and many color to choose, small and medium.
Thai Candle Set.
2"-4" For respect spirit house.
Thai Flower Set.
For respect spirit house.
Bass Joss Stick Pot.
Bass Joss Stick Pot.
Waiter & Waitress Dolls.
For respect Spirit house.
Grandparents Dolls.
For respect Spirit house.
Lucky Dolls.
Thais beleive who's have these dolls will be lucky.
Horse & Elephant Dolls.
For respect Spirit house.
Golden & Silver Pumpkin.
Thais beleive who's have these pumpkin will be lucky.
Golden Cock Doll.
Thais beleive who's have Golden Cock will be lucky.
Golden & Silver Thai Flower Set.
For respect Buddha image.
Plastic Garland.
For respect Buddha image or spirit house.
Soap Garland.
For respect Buddha image or spirit house.
Plastic Garland.
For respect Buddha image or spirit house.
Plastic Garland.
For respect Buddha image or spirit house.